1. Name
The Open Community Software Project (OpenCSW) is an Association in terms of Art 60-79 of the swiss civil code with domicile in Greifensee/ZH, Switzerland.
2. Purpose
Purpose of the association is to provide additional software packages that run on currently supported production versions of the Solaris Operating Environment ™.
2.1. The building procedure used to create the packages should be publicly available.
2.2. The software packaged must be freely re distributable by OpenCSW and its mirror sites and usable by everyone.
2.3. The resulting packages should ideally be created to address the needs of large scale corporate deployments as well as individual users.
3. Activity
The association tries to reach its goals by:
3.1. Maintaining the opencsw.org internet domain and services.
3.2. Producing binary packages and publishing them to mirror sites.
3.3. Producing and publishing package build procedures.
3.4. Protecting the interest of OpenCSW.
4. Membership
4.1. Only individuals can join the association.
4.2. There is no membership fee
4.3. Every individual can apply for membership
4.3.1. Application for membership should based on a specific commitment to contribute to the project purposes
4.3.2. The board will accept or refuse a membership with explanation
4.4. There are two categories of members
4.4.1. Non voting members
4.4.2. Voting members, which have been determined by the board Promotion process and criteria are defined by the internal rules. Demotion process and criteria are defined by the internal rules.
4.5. The board can revoke membership with explanation
5. Organisation
The elements of the association are:
1. The general meeting
2. The board
The accounting year is equal to the calendar year.
6. The General Meeting
The general meeting is called up by the board at least once a year. Every member has the right to bring in proposals. Proposals received 30 days before the meeting will be addressed.
The invitation to the meeting including the list of points to be addressed has the be sent at least 14 days before the meeting.
Each voting member has one vote. Non-voting members have no vote. The general meeting makes decisions based on the exceeds of votes cast. The board can additionally admit electronically polls or polls by letter. The board decides about the procedure of such votes.
7. The Board
Board members are elected by the general meeting. The term of office is one year, re-election is possible. The board consists of at least a president, a treasurer and a secretary.
The board must respect the interests of each interest group.
The president must represent the association.
The board constitutes itself.
The association is legally represented by a signature of a board member.
The board is quorate if three or half of the board members are present, whichever is more. The board makes decisions on the excess of the present members. The president decides in case of a tie.
8. Changing the Bylaws
The bylaws can be changed at the general meeting and require a two-thirds excess of the cast votes.
9. Annulment of the Association
The annulment of the association and the usage of the club funds require a two-thirds excess at the general meeting.
10. Final Provisions
These bylaws become effective on the 6th December 2008.