This page is a quick list to allow people interested in updating/taking over GNOME packages, to tell other maintainers, "I'm working on this package at the moment". Also, if you make any progress with package building, even if it doesn't build yet, but you have a patch that fixes a particular problem, commit it to the repository early.
The idea is two-fold:
1. to not waste effort
2. to see when someone has fallen behind, and needs someone else to take up the slack.
Who is working on what
Name | Date | GNOME Package(s) working on | Completed |
Dagobert | 2009/04/14 | libcairo | 2010/xx/xx |
Dagobert | 2009/04/14 | poppler | 2010/xx/xx |
Dagobert | 2009/04/14 | spectre | |
Dagobert | 2009/04/14 | libatk | 2010/xx/xx |
Dagobert | 2009/04/14 | pango | 2010/xx/xx |
Phil | 2010/05/14 | gtk+ | 2010/06/01 |
hson | 2010/01/25 | gconf2 | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | gnomevfs2 | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | goocanvas | |
phil | 2010/06/23 | gtksourceview | 2010/06/25 |
hson | 2010/01/25 | libgda | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | libgoffice | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | libgsf | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | libunique | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | libsoup | |
hson | 2010/01/25 | json-glib | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gstreamer | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gstplugins | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gstplugins_bad | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gstplugins_good | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gstplugins_ugly | |
benny | 2010/03/09 | gnomemedia | |
benny | 2010/03/23 | libgnomekbd | |
benny | 2010/??/?? | control_center | |
yourname | 2010/mm/dd | CSWgnomefo…. |
Packages that need update
- glib2
- gconf2
- orbit2
- libbonobo2
- libbonoboui
- gnomevfs2
- libgnome
- libgsf (needed by goffice needed by gnucash)
Please note that if you are a generous person who wants to be on "the gnome team", you can effectively make yourself a member of it, by telling the wiki to "watch" this page, and auto-email you if anyone edits it.
Package Build Order
- What comes next?
- ???
- libgnomecanvas
- gtksourceview
- libbonobo2
- gnome-mime-data
- gconf (just to get rid of tha .la file!)
- gnomevfs2
- libgnome
- libbonoboui
- libgnomeui
- — And then could rebuild gedit with all new lib foundation! ( gnomeprint rebuild optional?)
- — After that, some useful common libs:
- gnomedesktop
- -and then eel
- libgsf (does not depend on gnomedesktop)
- -and then gnucash, gnumeric, nautilus
Side note: theoretically, glade3 is out. but that requires gtk 2.20. which requires newer glib
Top level packages for gnome_minimal, that could use version updating
- control_center
- gnomedesktop
- gnomemedia
- gnome_applets
- gnome_dtlogin
- gnome_panel
- gnome_session
- gnome_terminal
- gnome_themes
- gnome_utils (could use libgtop update)
- gtk_engines
- metacity
- nautilus
- scrollkeeper
- shared_mime_info (separate from gnomemime2 for some reason. but also not too badly out of date)
- yelp (could use a firefox that isnt dependent on cswx11)
Note that almost all of them, except for yelp and gnome_utils, dont depend on much that isnt already done