This project is about relinking all packages against the updated OpenSSL 1.0
The following packages need updating.
Packages in bold are currently already linked with openssl 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 at runtime (because of one dependancy).
Packages that should be released together
Each group of packages contains a list of packages which should be released together to avoid a dual linking situation at runtime for any of them.
All of theses packages are linked twice with openssl at runtime and they are somewhat related because of at least one common dependancy.
Group 1
Maintainer | Package | Status | Location | Comment |
Alex Moore ( Retired ) | bacula_gnome | OK | Dropped | Obsoleted with updated package set that was just pushed -bw |
Alex Moore ( Retired ) | claws_htmlviewer | OK | Dropped | Dropped |
Alex Moore ( Retired ) | claws_mail | OK | Dropped | |
Alex Moore ( Retired ) | courier_imap | OK | Dropped | Dropped |
Alex Moore ( Retired ) | libetpan | OK | Dropped | (only used by claws_mail) |
Andy Igoshin | proftpd | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | |
Ben Walton | imaprt | OK | unstable | Done and pushed. |
Ben Walton | alpine | OK | unstable | Done and pushed. |
Ben Walton | apache2 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Done - in the apache2 experimental repo (symlinked from openssl-relinking) |
Ben Walton | exim | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Done and placed in openssl-relinking -bw linked in openssl-relinking-group1 -yann |
Ben Walton | gdal | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | ready for unstable - 20120628 -bw |
Ben Walton | git | OK | unstable | Done and pushed previously |
Ben Walton | libgdal1 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | ready for unstable - 20120628 - bw |
Ben Walton | php5_curl | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Updated package in openssl-relinking |
Ben Walton | php5_imap | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Updated package in openssl-relinking |
Dagobert Michelsen | aide | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | bzflag | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | curl | OK | unstable | Already rebuilt |
Dagobert Michelsen | gnomevfs2 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | |
Dagobert Michelsen | icecast | OK | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 | |
Dagobert Michelsen | ldapvi | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | libcurl4 | OK | unstable | Already rebuild and released ! |
Dagobert Michelsen | libcurl4_feature | OK | unstable | Already rebuild and released ! |
Dagobert Michelsen | libldap2_4_2 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | openldap_client | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | libneon26 | OK | Soon dropped | Only used by gstplugins_bad, drop, BUT: pysvn depends on obsoleted neon which should also be dropped depending on libneon26, so rebuild and push pysvn first, then drop gstplugins_bad, then drop libneon26 and then drop and remove from building neon. |
Dagobert Michelsen | libneon27 | OK | unstable | Already rebuild and pushed to unstable |
Dagobert Michelsen | libssh2_1 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | libxerces_c3_1 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | py_curl | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | xerces_c | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | libxerces_c3_1 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Dagobert Michelsen | zabbix_server | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Darin Perusich | amanda | OK | unstable | |
Eric Korpela | boincclient | OK | Dropped from unstable | |
Eric Korpela | boinclibs | OK | Dropped from unstable | |
Eric Korpela | boincmanagerDropped from unstable | OK | ||
Ihsan Dogan | squid | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Placed updated squid 3 packages in group1 |
Jake Goerzen | dovecot | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | |
James Lee | ooocore | OK | Dropped | |
Juraj Lutter | nagiosp | OK | unstable | |
Juraj Lutter | postfix | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | fileroller | OK | Dropped | * dropped by Maciej on 2012-06-21 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gnomedesktop | OK | Dropped | dropped from Solaris 10 * revdeps: * —CSWbugbuddy (dropped) * CSWeel (dropped) * CSWnautilus (dropped) * CSWnautilus (dropped) |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gnomekeyringmgr | OK | Dropped | * dropped by Maciej on 2012-06-21 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gnome_session | OK | Dropped | * dropped by Maciej on 2012-06-21 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gnomesysmon | OK | Dropped | * dropped by Maciej on 2012-06-21 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gnome_terminal | OK | Dropped | * dropped by Maciej on 2012-06-21 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | gthumb | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuild, waiting in openssl-relinking-group1 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | libgnomecups | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | * revdeps: CSWlibgnomeprint |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | libgnomeprint | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | * revdeps: CSWgal CSWgnucash CSWgtkhtml31 |
Ken Mays ( Retired ) | nautilus | OK | Dropped | * revdeps: CSWevince (but only on Solaris 9) * nautilus is dropped from Solaris 10 |
Maciej Blizinski | libldap2_3_0 | OK | Dropped | Obsoleted by libldap2_4_2, rebuild the rdeps to bind against this lib instead of 2_3_0, this affets * aide (Dagobert) * amanda (Darin Perusich) * ap2_modperl (sabbatical Benny von Mossner) * boincclient (drop?) * boinclibs (drop?) * boincmanager (drop?) * claws_htmlviewer (drop?) * claws_mail (drop?) * courier_auth (takeover Juraj) * hobbit (Mike Arnold) * icecast (Dagobert) * libetpan (drop?) * ooocore (James) * squidguard (reitred Joseph Baro, takeover Dagobert) * xmlrpc_c (drop?) |
Mark Round ( Retired ) | libpq | OK | Replace by libpq5 so dropped from unstable | |
Mike Arnold | hobbit | OK | Dropped | |
Peter Bonivart | pm_net_ssh2 | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (in experimental), linked in openssl-relinking-group1 by Yann |
Peter Bonivart | pm_www_curl | OK | openssl-relinking-group1 | Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (in experimental), linked in openssl-relinking-group1 by Yann |
Peter Bonivart | sendmail | OK | unstable | Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-07 (already pushed to unstable) |
Peter Felecan | gnucash | OK | Dropped | |
Peter Felecan | grip | OK | unstable | |
Philip Brown ( Retired ) | libgnome | OK | Takeover and rebuild (Dago) | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql83_client | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql83_contrib | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql83_server | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql84_client | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql84_contrib | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql84_server | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql90_client | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql90_contrib | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql90_server | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql91_client | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql91_contrib | OK | unstable | |
Rafael Ostertag | postgresql91_server | OK | unstable | |
Roger Hakansson | xmlrpc_c | OK | Dropped | No reverse deps, drop? |
Rupert Thurner | javasvn | OK | unstable | |
Rupert Thurner | libserf0_0 | OK | Dropped | No dependencies, drop together with libserf_stub ? |
Rupert Thurner | libserf1_0 | OK | unstable | |
Rupert Thurner | pythonsvn | OK | unstabke | |
Rupert Thurner | rbsvn | OK | unstable | |
Rupert Thurner | subversion | OK | unstable |
Group 2
Dagobert Michelsen
- libldap_r2_4_2 These are also in group1, so drop here ??
- openldap These are also in group1, so drop here ??
Kester Habermann
- py_ldap - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
Group 3
Ihsan Dogan
- libunbound2 - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Ihsan (2013-05-03)
- unbound - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Ihsan (2013-05-03)
Group 4
Alessio Cervellin ( Retired )
- snort - Dropped from unstable
Alex Moore ( Retired )
- mysqlrt - Dropped from unstable (replaced by mysql 5)
- mysql4client - Dropped from unstable (replaced by mysql 5)
- mysql4 - Dropped from unstable (replaced by mysql 5)
Packages that can be released independantly
These packages can be rebuilt alone without needing any coordination.
Alessio Cervellin ( Retired )
Andy Igoshin
- nginx - Rebuilt by Dago 2013-04-11 (pushed to unstable)
Benny von Mossner ( Sabbatical )
- pm_cryptosslbignum - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (pushed to unstable)
- pm_cryptssleay - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (pushed to unstable)
- pm_osslrandom - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (pushed to unstable)
- pm_osslrsa - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-09 (pushed to unstable)
- pound
- pound2
- siege - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
Ben Walton
- bacula - 5.0.3 pushed to unstable -bw
- bacula_client - 5.0.3 pushed to unstable -bw
- libruby1_9_1_1
- ruby18
- imapfilter - Done and pushed to unstable
- tn5250 - Done and pushed to unstable (update to 0.17.4)
- pureftpd - Done and pushed to unstable (update to 1.0.36)
Chad Harp ( Sabbatical )
- gadu - Dropped from unstable
Cyrus Mehta ( Missing )
- monit - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
Dagobert Michelsen
- adobereader No change possible as this is just a repackaged tarball from adobe
- bitlbee Dropped from unstable
- cvs Updated and pushed to unstable/
- libarchive2 - Rebuilt 2013.04.24
- libarchive_utils - Rebuilt 2013.04.24
- libcurl2 No more rdeps, keep unchanged, drop not possible as curl_rt depends on it and curl_rt has lots of rdeps, further investigate later
- libcurl3 The library rdep acroread is wrong as it contains its own local copy of libcurl3, however, curl has a legacy depend and curl starting from 7.29 cannot be built easily due to upstream issues.
- libevent_openssl2_0_5 - Rebuilt
- libfbopenssl0 - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- libneon26_feature - Dropped from unstable
- libslp1 - Rebuilt
- libtorrent - Dropped from unstable
- libwireshark0 old build lib is merged back to wireshark. package dropped
- lynx Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- mutt_ncurses - Rebuilt
- mutt_slang - Rebuilt
- openslp - Rebuilt
- pm_netssleay - Rebuilt 2013-04-10
- py_m2crypto - Rebuilt 2013-04-10
- rdesktop - Rebuilt 2013-04-10
- tor Rebuilt
- wireshark Rebuilt by JH 2012-06-07
- x3270 Dagobert: Pushed to unstable 2012-06-12
Darin Perusich
- conserver - Dropped from unstable by Yann
Ihsan Dogan
- irssi - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Juraj Lutter
- ldnsdrill - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Ihsan
- libldns1 - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable
- nsd - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable
- unbound_host - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Ihsan (2013-05-03)
Jake Goerzen
- flphoto - Dropped from unstable by Jake
- gftp — - Rebuilt by Jake and pushed to unstable (2013-04-24)
James Lee
- fetchmail - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- ntp - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2013-04-07 (pushed to unstable)
Jan Holzhueter
- rtmpdump Rebuilt by JH 2012-06-07
- librtmp0 Rebuilt by JH 2012-06-07
- tcpdump Rebuilt by JH 2012-06-07
Jon Craig
Juergen Arndt
- nrpe - Rebuilt and uploaded to unstable on 2012-07-12
- nrpe_plugin - Rebuilt and uploaded to unstable on 2012-07-12
Ken Mays ( Retired )
- gimpprint - Dropped from unstable
Maciej Blizinski
- libldap_r2_3_0 - Dropped from unstable
- lighttpd Dago: Rebuild with update and split, pushed to unstable/
- py_openssl - Rebuild and pushed to unstable
- python - Rebuild and pushed to unstable
- python31 - Dropped from unstable
- sasl - Rebuild and pushed to unstable
- saslauthd - Rebuild and pushed to unstable
Markus Mayer
- slrn - Rebuild ans pushed to unstable by Yann
Mike Arnold
Mike Watters ( Retired )
- xchat - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- xchat_pl - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- xchat_py - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- xchat_tcl - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
Peter Bonivart
- cfengine - Rebuilt by Bonivart 2012-06-07 (pushed to unstable)
Philip Brown ( Retired )
- libbonoboui - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- links - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
Rafael Ostertag
- cfengine3_client - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
- cfengine3_server - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
- cfengine3_utils - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
- cyrus_imapd - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- cyrus_imapd_utils - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- gtk2_printbackends_cups - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
- libpq5 - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
- pm_cyrus - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- postgresql_dev - Rerolled in Ben's ~/staging
- yapet - Rebuiltd ans pushed to unstable
Roger Hakansson
- dsniff Dropped from unstable
- htmldoc - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
- w3m - Rebuilt and pushed to unstable by Yann
Sebastian Kayser
- httping - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- mailx - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- mcabber - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- proxytunnel - Rebuilt by Yann and pushed to unstable
- stunnel Recipe updated, pushed to unstable by Ben
William Bonnet
- xfce_print Dropped from unstable
Yann Rouillard
- openssl_utils - Already rebuild and uploaded