Do you want to make the world a better place? (At OpenCSW, anyway.) Are you looking for a coding project? Look no further!
Would you like to start but you have more questions? Ask on the maintainers@ list or ask on IRC!
Available small/medium coding projects at OpenCSW
File merging utility for GAR
When building packages the resulting files are in multiple directories, e.g. one for each ISA which needs to be merged together for delivery in the final package. At the moment this is done incrementally for each ISA where duplicate files of older ISAs just get overridden. The filemerge tool should take a number of input directories and copy the union of all files to an output directory. When files collide it should compare them and warn if they are different. Additionally it should be able to rename or exclude files on the fly for each input directory. Additional functionality like unifying C header files for 32 and 64 bit similar to the one used for curl would be useful too.
Automatic Python dependency discovery
Python modules include information about dependencies. Checkpkg doesn't index this information. To implement automatic dependency discovery, the following is necessary:
- Parsing Python module dependency information (from .egg files perhaps?) and storing the information in the package metadata stored in the database
- Writing a check function which makes sure that the Solaris package being checked declares dependencies consistent with the .egg information
This may involve creating an additional table or set of tables in the database to keep an easy accessible index of relations between packages and named Python modules. This solution could be made generic enough to also accommodate information about other dimensions, e.g. Perl and Ruby dependencies.
Call for projects
If you have an idea for an infrastructure related project or miniproject, please describe it here. What projects should be described here?
- This page is for infrastructure-related projects. Packaging project descriptions are listed separately.
- These are primarily coding projects.
- They should be limited in size, e.g. doable during one weekend or a few evenings.
- They should not require any special privileges; any maintainer should be able to just pick the project up and do it without asking anyone for permission.
- Ideally, they should be possible to implement in any (reasonable) programming language. If it's a requirement to use any specific language, make it clear in the description.
- The code should be able to run on the buildfarm, on SPARC. Therefore, no Intel-only technology can be used.
Projects not fitting here are:
- Long, multi-week projects
- Packaging projects
- Projects with no easily visible outcome (e.g. refactoring)
- Projects requiring special privileges (we should work on eliminating these needs)
Projects in progress
None, feel free to grab any of the available ones!