The OpenCSW Summer Camp will take place in Oslo/Norway.
22. & 23. August 2009
Most of the people will arrive on Friday evening and depart on Sunday evening.
Would be nice if we could stay all at one hotel. I've booked already my room at this hotel:
Thon Hotel Gyldenløve
NOTE: Watch out that you choose the right hotel.
Local contact in Norway: Trygve Laustøl, trygvis @ opencsw.org
General Question (Schedule etc): Ihsan Dogan, ihsan @ opencsw.org, +41-78-6440145
Friday 21. August 2009
20:00 Dinner & Socializing
Saturday 22. August 2009
Chairman: Ihsan Dogan
09:30 - 10:00 Buildfarm Layout today and tomorrow
10:00 - 11:00 mGar Workshop (Dagobert Michelsen)
11:00 - 12:00 Classutils Workshop (Peter Bonivart)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:30 General Discussion (topics are bellow)
15:30 - 18:00 Technical Part (working together on Gar & packages)
18:00 - Dinner & socializing
Sunday 23. August 2009
Chairman: Dagobert Michelsen
10:00 - Technical Part (working together on Gar & packages)
Technical workshops
- GAR workshop by Dagobert Michelsen
- cswclassutils workshop by Peter Bonivart
- Ihsan Dogan
- Dagobert Michelsen
- Trygve Laugstøl
- William Bonnet
- Maciej Bliziński
- Peter Bonivart
- Dominique Laigle
- Sebastian Kayser
Topics to talk about
- General information about the society (Ihsan)
- 8 New website
- Packages Database
- Documentation for Users (Trygve)
- Documentation of the build for maintainers (Trygve)
- 6 Licensing
- 5 What happens to retired maintainers? Bug reports? upstream watch?
- 5 Package release process
- ChangeLog (Trygve)
- 4 Stable release
- Change wording on the OpenCSW frontpage
- Current/ Snapshots
- Overlay from testing/ to current/
- Connected to release process (merge from testing/ to current/)
- 3 Tiered packages
- Packaging Teams
- How to deal with orphaned / sabbatical packages
- Mass-Moving to GAR
- 2 Checktool to check packages to comply to standards
- 2 Location of config files /opt/csw/etc -> /etc/opt/csw
- 1 Download stats
- 1 Thematics events
- Bug hunting campaign
- 1 Changeroot installation (Trygve)
- 1 Moving CSWcswclassutils from /usr to /opt for local zones
- 0 I18N
- 0 Maintainers World Map on Google Maps
- 0 Patch maintenance (Trygve) -> Sunday
- 0 Packages for SunStudio (Trygve+Dago) -> Sunday
- 0 Replace pkgrequest mailing list to send mails to maintainers@
- Package for GAR + Source Packages (Trygve) -> Sunday
- Get everything in Subversion (Trygve)
- Git repository (enable on SF for opencsw-project) (Trygve) -> Sunday
- Requirements for IPS and OpenSolaris
- Relocatability
- GAR Backend for IPS
- Support for CSWclassutils
- Support for pre-/postinstall
- pkgrequest mailing list should be public -> Done
Hacking Session
- Fixing libtool for GCC
- Dominique: Packaging Kerberos